Meeting 05: Automotive Networks and Penetration Testing

For the next meetup, we will discuss some of the basics concerning vehicle networks (Layout, Advantages, Disadvantages and so on) as well as penetration test process at a high level.

As always, we will discuss some of the Automotive Security topics in the news, give an update concerning ASRG, present some of the fundamental reasons for Automotive Security, and then close with recommendations from everyone.

Eintritt frei! (Spenden an shack e.V. sind gerne gesehen) Jeder ist willkommen!
Datum: Dienstag, 05. Dezember 2017 ab 19:00 Uhr
Anfahrt: U4/U9 Haltestelle “Im Degen”, Ulmer Straße 255, Stuttgart Wangen (gegenüber Kulturhaus Arena)